CARE Irene Levi Sala

קרן Care

קרן CARE Irene Levi Sala מוקדשת לקידום המחקר וההבנה של הפרהיסטוריה בישראל בתקופות הפליאוליתיות והתקופה הניאוליתית. הקרן מציעה מימון מחקרים ממוקדים בתחומי הדעת השונים הרלוונטים למחקר הפרהיסטורי הכולל בין היתר מימון לחפירות ראשוניות, מחקר שרידים פלאונתרופולוגים, מחקרים בתחומי הגיאו-ארכיאולוגיה, ארכיאוזואולוגיה, פלינולוגיה, סימני שימוש ומיקרומופרולוגיה.



מחקרים שמומנו השנה


סה"כ תמיכה במחקר


We are immensely saddened by the passing of Roger Shalom Levy (age 85) after a long illness. For over 30 years Roger, the young brother of Irene Levi-Sala, coordinated successfully the legendary Sala Family Trust which has long been generously involved, both in Great Britain and in Israel, in various philanthropic enterprises including education, scholarly research, museums as well as community welfare. We much appreciate Roger's unfailing efforts to maintain the family heritage of Irene and Davide Sala. In particular, his continuous interest in and support of CARE – Irene's archaeological foundation. We lost a special person: optimistic, generous, and a friend. May his memory be blessed.

Eliezer Oren

קרן Care

קרן CARE Irene Levi Sala מוקדשת לקידום המחקר וההבנה של הפרהיסטוריה בישראל בתקופות הפליאוליתיות והתקופה הניאוליתית. הקרן מציעה מימון מחקרים ממוקדים בתחומי הדעת השונים הרלוונטים למחקר הפרהיסטורי הכולל בין היתר מימון לחפירות ראשוניות, מחקר שרידים פלאונתרופולוגים, מחקרים בתחומי הגיאו-ארכיאולוגיה, ארכיאוזואולוגיה, פלינולוגיה, שימושי שימוש ומיקרומופרולוגיה.

Irene Levi Sala CARE Archaeological Foundation

Irene Levi Sala Care Archaeological Foundation was founded in 1988 by the late Irene Levi Sala who was at that time a Ph.D. student in the Institute of Archaeology at the University College of London. She received her PhD degree (specializing in micro-wear of flint artifacts) a couple of years later. Following her untimely death in 1991 the family continued to support the Foundation now named after her.
The goals of the foundation: The foundation is devoted to the furtherance of understanding the prehistory of Israel in the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. The foundation offers small grants to different fields of study including seed grants for excavations, the study of paleoanthropological remains, geo-archaeology, archaeozoology, palynology, micro-wear and edge damage, micromorphology, and other related topics of research. The grants cover expenses of field work and laboratory studies. In addition, CARE grants travel expenses and per diem to foreign scholars who come to Israel to study the available prehistoric collections as well as travel expenses and per diem of Israeli researchers to enable the study of Levantine material kept outside Israel. CARE does not cover travel expenses to international meetings.
Since 2002 the foundation has annually supported the publication of the Israel Journal of Prehistory in order to facilitate more publication of the prehistoric research done in Israel.
All grant applications are reviewed by the Advisory Board.
Eligibility: Scholars with a Ph.D. are eligible to apply, as well as graduate students in MA or Ph.D. programs, provided they supply a letter of support from their academic advisor.
Accounting: The awarded grants will be sent to a university research authority or the Israel Prehistoric Society. These institutions will be responsible for the accounting. In rare cases the Advisory Board allows scholars to receive their grants as personal checks.
Guidelines and Grant Applications: The guidelines and application forms are available for downloading on the web page of the Israel Prehistoric Society. Applicants who conduct excavations or other research projects in cooperation with experts in any particular field of research should state explicitly (by attaching a letter or an email from each scholar) their agreement to take part in the project.
Submission: Application forms will be submitted on line and be emailed to Prof. Anna Belfer-Cohen, – the secretary/treasurer of the Advisory Board of the foundation. The deadline is the 3rd of November.
Active Advisory Board members: Daniella Mayer Bar-Yosef, Anna Belfer-Cohen, Anne Bridault, Alan Mann, Arlene Rosen, Lynne Schepartz, Henry Wright
Retired members: Baruch Arensburg, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Caroline Grigson, Eliezer Oren, Derek Roe, John Speth, Bernard Vandermeersch.